WonderCraft Membership Registration

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We believe that the responsible and intentional therapeutic use of psychedelics is a pathway to freedom from trauma and self-limiting beliefs, freedom from the prison of ego, and to a life of bliss, meaning and fulfillment that is our birthright.

Reading, understanding and signing this Agreement is required for membership in the WonderCraft Private Membership Club.

Membership in the WonderCraft Private Membership Club is required to create an account at the WonderCraft store.

The WonderCraft Private Membership Agreement grants Members access to psilocybin therapy and consultation as part of the religious tradition of the Club and as protected by Natural Law.

Questions in regard to this Agreement can be submitted to orders@wondercraft.shop

WonderCraft Private Membership Agreement

The WonderCraft Private Membership Club (“the Club”) is a non-domestic private member Club for a man or woman, in accordance with the WonderCraft Private Membership Agreement (“the Agreement”) as a private member (“the Member”) of the Club to access products and services of the Club.

The laws of the Club are as follows and become the WonderCraft Private Membership Agreement to a man or woman upon acceptance of the Agreement, by evidence of their completion of this Agreement with electronic initials and electronic signature, upon which establishes status of private member (the “Member”) of the Club.

Property of the Club, including but not limited to, the website, knowledge, events, products or therapies (“Property”) is available to Members of the Club and is offered in private, non- domestically (without Canada) in exchange for compensation to the Club; and Members of the Club execute free will in their decisions and actions to use the Property of the Club and accept sole responsibility for same; and Members of the Club who grant compensation to the Club for use of Property of the Club do so non-domestically; and upon breach of the Agreement, the Club may terminate a Member by any private means; and all Property the Club creates, the Club hereby claims as Property of the Club; and any information a Member provides to the Club, does so non-domestically and in the private realm; the Club deems the information each member shares to remain the property of the Member; the Club and Members of the Club, shall respect the property of other Members and remain in the private; and a Member of the Club, who desires use of the Property of the Club is solely responsible for their own decisions and use of the Property and for the application of Property of the Club and agree to hold the Club harmless; and a Member who visits the club’s website, allows the Club to place information on the hard drive of the Member’s property in the form of cookies; any Member can remove or decline at any time; and the Club has the right to change the Agreement from time to time and a Member’s continued use of the Club will certify acceptance of any change to the Agreement; the Club will notify each Member by email of any material change and each Member will have the opportunity to cancel Member status of the Club should a disagreement to the change of the Agreement be brought to the attention of the Club by submitting a Membership Cancellation request to orders@wondercraft.shop; and the Agreement of the Club applies, without limitation, to any retreats or events offered by the Club wherever located; and a life-time Member status of the Club is established upon acceptance of the Agreement and a one-time contribution of $1 CAD and the Club offers, subject to the Agreement, private access to property of the Club in exchange for compensation to the Club; and all access to property of the Club occurs within the non-domestic and private realm only.

Member affirmations:

  • i: am solely responsible for the decisions and actions of i, including but not limited to, the consequences of such and for how i apply use of the property of the Club; and
  • i, attest that the behaviour of i, on this and any subsequent visit to the Club or to any event or place for the Club, including, without limitation, website visits and electronic communications, are in my own right, non-domestic and in the private realm as a man or woman and not in the act as an agent or representative for any governmental or non-governmental agency or organization with the purpose to enforce a legal code, act or statute or to carry out any mission of entrapment or investigation and understand that said act by i, shall be self-authenticating evidence of trespass by way of barratry and that i, shall become immediately liable to pay compensation under the Agreement, in the amount of $1,000,000 CAD (1 million CAD) for each minute the trespass continues; and
  • i, understand that any claims of wrong and/or trespass under this Agreement, shall be solely governed by the Agreement, maxims of equity and equity and may be pressed administratively to obtain enforcement from a court of competent jurisdiction by and between those of a man or woman only, to the conclusion of remedy; and
  • i, herein acknowledge that the Agreement survives seven (7) years from the date of which termination as a Member of the Club has been effected; and with resolve to participate in psychedelic therapy with the Club, i: a man/woman and a Member of the Club, acknowledge, agree and present that i, understand the nature of psychedelic therapy and i, am with sound mind and apply free will to participate in such therapy and i, agree to follow the directions for use provided with WonderCraft products and services and i, further agree and warrant that if, at any time i, believe the conditions to be unsafe i, will immediately discontinue further participation in the psychedelic therapy; and
  • i, fully understand that (a) this psychedelic therapy may involve risk and danger; (b) these risk and danger may be caused by the action or inaction of i, and/or others participating in the psychedelic therapy, the condition in which the psychedelic therapy takes place; (c) there may be other risk or social economic loss either not known to i, and/or not readily foreseeable at this time and fully accept and take responsibility of all such risk and loss, costs and damage i, may incur as a result of participation in psychedelic therapy with the Club; and
  • i, herein release, discharge and agree to waive liability of the Club and any Member of the Club, other participants, owners and lessees of premises at which this psychedelic therapy is performed (each of the forgoing shall be considered one of the releases herein) from all liability, claims, demands, losses and/or damages on my account caused and/or alleged to be caused, in whole or in part by negligence of releasees or otherwise and i, further agree that if, despite this release and waiver of liability, assumption of risk and indemnity treaty, i, or anyone on my behalf, including but not limited to heirs, successors and assigns, makes a claim against any of the releasees, i, shall indemnify, save and hold harmless each of the releasees from any litigation expenses, attorney fees, loss, liability, damage and/or costs which may be incurred as the result of such claim; and i, herein acknowledge this Agreement survives seven (7) years from the date after status of Member of the Club was terminated properly; and
  • i, acknowledge i am over the age of eighteen (18) years, have read this Agreement and fully understand this Agreement and understand i, have given up right as declared above by electronic signature of i, and have freely completed this Agreement without any inducement or assurance of any nature and i, intend it to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law of the Club and agree that if any clause deemed invalid by an appropriate authority, same clause shall be replaced with a clause meaning and meeting the same intent and the remainder of this Agreement remain in full force and effect and;
  • i, accept with free will and in good faith, in accordance with the Agreement, without occurrence of any behaviour to abuse, intimidate, harass, menace, be violent or destructive towards any other Member of the Club, lest my status as Member be terminated with forfeiture of any donation granted by i, upon the sole determination of the Club.
  • i, with free will and sound mind, grant my electronic signature to verify presentment, acceptance and understanding of the Agreement
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